Sunday 31 October 2010

Goodbye UK

Possibly setting a record for the shortest time between posts here.

I've been back in the UK a week now but the time to leave is fast approaching. I will be leaving for Mexico on Tuesday for 2 months on my first assignment. I'm actually doing the job I was hired to do now. Quite an exciting time, I've been looking into the location and it looks nice, the major downside to this assignment is that I will be going alone. There are no other UOP people there. Let hope it all goes ok.

This week has been spent preparing for life on the road. Catching up with friends where possible and going back to work. Had a good time at a friends birthday celebration in Guildford last night. It was fancy dress and as I only found out a few days earlier that I was going to be able to go I was forced to improvise. A few hours taking a pair of scissors and red paint to my Woody costume yielded my costume of Woody gone bad ass. It got a few comments and amused looks in Guildford so I deemed it a success.

Watch this space for the first post from Mexico and my first post as a roadie.

Til Next Time,

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